Legends of Mechatron

For all Mechas and Friends.

Available for Android and on the Web.


We are all mechatronics students from the same university in Germany. During covid lectures were held online and each of us was stuck at home. Discord fortunately helped us to stay connected.

What once started as a Discord bot with a hangman implementation to keep us entertained during long video lecture sessions spread to a much deeper network during the last few years. The old Discord bot still exists, but does now support besides hangman: Tic Tac Toe, Tic Tac Toe Big, Four Wins, Werewolf and Wordle. And the additional website made it possible to opt out of turn-based games for Discord and so I've implemented what we call take6. An online animated multiplayer card game. We also like to keep track of our scores in each game and even crown a 'Game Master' at the end of each month who was able to score the most points during a season. Besides games, the short called LoM system also keeps track of upcoming birthdays, set meetings or university events.


As this is my personal biggest coding project ever implemented I surely wanted to add it to my personal online portfolio. If you are now interested in actually joining our Discord and using the app or website I unfortunately have to let you down. The LoM network was and most probably will always be a closed network for our personal student group.

Privacy Policy

If you are though one of my fellow students and wan't to know how your personal data of the LoM app is processed. You can check out the corresponding Privacy Policy for more information.

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